Todd ran this after he returned from Iraq and we ran alongside my friend, Lori, last year. Each time, I've always been invigorated by the crowd, the bands, the spectators, the runners and the energy. This year, I'm running it. Well, I'm running it yes... but I do have every intention to do more than "just finish" it as well. I'll narrow down a time goal and hopefully that might coincide with Boston time restrictions. :)
2012 is a big year for me as a runner.

Two weeks ago I signed up for my Fall challenge: The Marine Corps Marathon!
But besides running it. I'm running with a purpose too. Before registration for MCM, I had looked in to running with Team DetermiNation for the American Cancer Society.... but come the day of registration the decision more or less was made for me! MCM registration for 30,000+ individuals sold out in 2.5hours!!! I was working that day but thought I'd be "safe" to register as soon as I got home, but apparently NOT! (Lordy!)
So, happily I signed up immediately with Team DetermiNation! Yes, I have to raise money... and some people hate doing that. But, I lost my best friend to cancer and I'd do about anything to save your best friend from cancer!! This is my attempt. A few people have asked why I don't do the Susan G. Koman walks or fund-raising events... and my answer is simple. There are SO many other forms of cancer out there that we know very little about, can't treat, and can't defeat that I want my money and time to help THERE. Not that breast cancer research isn't important, because it is. But Katie didn't have breast cancer. Katie had Angiosarcoma. Yea... you've probably never heard of it. I haven't met another person since her with it either. But still - the google search hasn't changed. Treatment is still aggressive and often symptomatic. Nothing has changed.
I'm running to help MAKE a change. I'm not unrealistic. $1800 isn't going to change much... but it will help. I'm making the promise to put the miles in and I'm counting on you, friends and family to make a financial promise to help me succeed! I'll be running for Katie October 28th.... and Melanie, Lee J., Betty, Aunt Karen, my Grammy and for all those around me I love who have loved and/or lost someone with cancer.
Let's be honest. Cancer's a bitch. Let's work together to kick it!!! It may not be within my lifetime... but eventually is always encouraging.
Any and all help is appreciated. I'll even take cheerleaders the day of!! If you feel the desire to support me, THANK YOU! You're able to do so here on my team page.