Saturday, May 28, 2011

Exercise REVAMP

Exercise REVAMP!

Okay – so it's been a while since I had a good workout move or a routine for you guys so I got to thinking. Quite frankly my routine's been anything BUT routine the last couple of months… with one big exception:


Yea, I've actually been quite obsessed with them lately. Sitting on my ass all night makes me feel as if I'm getting fat by the minute. Really – I can't stand being this idle. STILLNESS=NO CALORIE BURN in my mind…. Sooooo, I'm struggling.

Therefore I've found every single stairway in the hospital. I even had Allyssa running the bleachers at the high school with me while I was home! Haha

I LOVE THEM! I always have, but now that I'm really pinched for time at work to really move around and burn some calories (from all the junk I'm eating while I'm sitting), I always find the steps! Plus, they help me wake up in times of desperation! Haha

So, I'll encourage you to find some stairs in your next workout. While your out walking your two miles or just as you're heading in to work, find the stairs and let your legs and lungs get a little extra work in as you go about your day. Small bursts add up and you can really add to your overall calorie burn!!

Happy Climbing!

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