Maybe this will make some of you happy! Geez! ;) Tough crowd.
Training for this marathon in October has been uber taxing. I'm not sure exactly why, but I am feeling especially drained today. I'm quite convinced that if given two seconds to close my eyes, I'd be out for a few hours. Marathon training is tough. It's time consuming and hard. It's constant.
I try to plan my work schedule to allow me certain days off a week to get to the track once a week for interval and/or tempo workouts with my team, to give me a few days off to get in some mileage and at some point, I'm running my long runs. The rest of the time I'm eating and sleeping. Well, almost.
August was hard on me because as luck would have it, my schedule gave me only ONE weekend off between the two hospitals. Well, then I messed up my back the first weekend I was supposed to work and had to call out (Which I HATE to do!! It's horrible to be the ones at work without all of your teammates and you're one of the few having to help pick up where the absence is felt. So, I don't ever do it unless I'm practically dying or immobile. Both of which I was, or thought I was, at some point.). Then we got a crazy hair and bought a house!
YIKES! Holy cow. We really might be going mad! :)
Okay, well excitingly so. But it's down right NERVE WRACKING! But, now we're under contract and just awaiting our final loan approval and dotting all the "I's" and crossing all the "T's".
AHHHHH! I just want to KNOW already!? I mean, they pre-approved us and all... so that's good enough right? :)
So, in my head, I'm planning every fine detail of my future home that I can. (And that's exhausting in it's self!! Please, someone, make this brain turn off!!) Thank goodness my sister will be down soon to stay with us for a few weeks to help! :) YAY!
Maybe not working this weekend and having an extra long weekend with my sweetie to rest and be lazy (when we aren't out running) is what I need. Or maybe a massage?
Best part of this crazy month so far:
FINDING OUT MY SISTER & ROAN ARE HAVING A BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She has appropriately been named "Lady Ellis" until Meg & Roan decide they can let the world know her name. But who knows, "Lady Ellis" is quite awesome and as far as I'm concerned, it might stick!
:) More soon Lovies,
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