Monday, November 21, 2011

Motivational Monday: Inspiring a change for the better

While checking out videos online I found this one. It's incredible. (a little long, but worth it)

Roger is the gentleman in the video. He started his journey to a happier, healthier man right before he turned 47 years old and weighed in at 276.6 pounds. He simplified his purpose to three goals:

1.) Health - changing his way of life in regards to diet and exercise to loose "a significant amount of weight".
2.) Passion - to RUN the Boston Marathon
3.) Love - to help save the life of his niece, Julia, and for the love of his wife, Mary.

What I love about his message is his FOCUS and that he didn't put a "time commitment" on his goals. He did what he could, when he could, and continued to push towards his three goals.

According to some of the video summary and other info I could find. Roger did exactly what he set out to do. He also ran the London marathon this past April. Julia is also still living.

Don't make excuses. Roger proved that finding a PURPOSE to drive you towards your goals, you will be successful!

Have a great week friends! :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Workout Wednesday: ABS!

I couldn't remember my last abdominal workout move I shared with you guys, so I thought I'd share one of my favorite (FREE) programs with you at the same time!!

Exercise TV! Most cable companies offer this channel on-demand FREE to it's users. You can also check them out online for free videos, workout plans, dvd's, etc. I'm waiting for the day my running pal, friend and worlds most inspiring training/coach, Katie Wade, gets a gig with Exercise TV too!!

This ab routine is only two minutes - but take the time to give it a try! You've probably spent longer stalking people on facebook this morning.

Walk Fit

This weekend we had the luxury of enjoying a slow morning, sippin' our coffee (or hot tea in Tall boy's case), eating our oatmeal, and watching the news (or reading it on the ipad) before we set out for a long run.

Our local news always has a health and wellness segment that I usually make fun of. It's just done poorly or they have this older gentlemen who's way too buff to be his age (think 70's with padded sweat suit... yes, it's weird). But this time they had on a former football player of the Washington Redskins, Darrell Green. No, I had never heard of him before (I only knew he was with the Redskins b/c of the color of his uniform in the video!). I still know nothing about his professional career... but I am in LOVE with this new program he has launched.

The program is called Walk Fit Health Nation. It's a simple (but awesome) tool to motivate and track your steps each day... but it's even more than that! For about $80 for the year, a price you can't beat, you are given a digital pedometer that uses wireless technology to sync your walking stats (speed, amount, and times) to your computer and on the website. There is an entire network of participates who compete locally and nationally for their stepping goals (everyone is asked to set a minimal goal of 5,000 steps a day, aprox. 2 miles) and "top stepper" awards. Members are able to cheer and encourage other members as well.

I think this tool is a wonderful motivating tool for those trying to be more active with small changes. I know not everyone can just get up and try to start running. But we all walk!! Yes, some of us better than others and some of us, due to weight and/or knee issues, may only want to make walking easier. I also think this program is wonderful for those who don't work, stay at home, or have a job that keeps them "chained" to a desk more than they're aware of.

Who knows, maybe this program is just what some of my readers need. Not a gym, not a trainer, not the latest workout craze... but something that allows them to see, measure and track how much work they're doing, how much weight they've lost without all the fancy gadgets and gizmos.

The easiest way to improve ones health is simple: GET MOVING. The easiest way to get moving: WALK! Research also suggests that if we walk at least two miles a day, we can cut our chance of premature death nearly IN HALF!!

What do you all think? Anyone going to bite? Anyone brave enough to start walking for their health? :)

Remember to find your reason and STAY focused. You won't fail if you put your mind to it, share your goal(s) with your support group, and GET MOVING! Stop wasting time. You've got a life to live! :)

Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Motivational Monday: How Bad Do You Want It?

Wow. I found this message sooooooooooo POWERFUL. Seriously - EVERYONE has to hear this message. (Please share it with your friends and loved ones.)

I had flashbacks of the old school church revivals I would go to as a young lady in the mountains of North Carolina.... it was THAT powerful. Soul moving powerful. Mind changing powerful.

The video is motivating (but not the purpose), but the MESSAGE. "Whoooooo!" (Shamekah Henderson, I said that JUST like you would during our work outs!) It makes you want to give it all up for a taste of success.


REMEMBER: "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful" 

Like the narration insinuates, what are you willing to give up?  

Your TV time?
Working at home?
A clean house?
Sitting in traffic?
Bad knees?

Go ahead. Walk out in to the water. How bad do you want to be successful? 

Real Bad?!? :) 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Motivational Monday... but on Thursday

A few weeks ago, I had the PLEASURE of running with and cheering on my friend Lori while she ran the Marine Corps Marathon (her 3rd). No, I've never run a marathon myself. The training involved and my way too competitive side have always been my excuse.... well, honestly it was for my safety initially. 

After running a nasty stress fracture into the neck of my right femur during my collegiate running career... I knew it was probably best for me not to get involved in something that could potentially put be back in that miserable place in my life. I spent nearly 3 months hauling myself around a college campus on crutches w/o any weight bearing on my leg, no running and only being able to swim with my legs tied together like a freakin' mermaid. It was awful

I love the sport of running way too much to EVER let it be taken out of my life again because I simply worked too hard, too fast. Hence the reason I've REALLY avoided marathon training. Plus, I'm just not sure I'm up for that torture. 

Until now. :) 

Running with Lori and Todd for 10ish miles during the MCM was amazing. Watching all those faces come across the finish line was refreshing. Seeing so many wounded soldiers running alongside us proved to me that I really am stronger, physically and mentally, than I give myself credit. I also learned that maybe my time has also come. Of all the friends (as well as my 32 girls on the run) I've encouraged and cheered through several 5k's, 10k's, half and full marathons....They've all finished and gone on to do MORE!  

I think I'm closer than ever to making the commitment. I know I said 2011 was the "year of the marathon" for me in my new year "resolutions"... but we're already in November. I won't be running one by Christmas... so maybe this Spring?

Any other takers? We can plan a marathon extravaganza weekend together!!! 

Happy Running! - a. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Workout Wednesday: High to Low Chop

This week I was looking for a new move to try in my workouts and I came across this one: 

The High to Low Chop
Anna Kournikova demo's the move for Biggest Loser Fans
I've done this move many times in many forms.... but in recent months I have forgotten all about it! So, I've pulled it from the muscle memory bank and tonight in our gym workout, I'll be sure to rock it. :) 

Give this move a try. You can use a cable cross machine, a medicine ball, kettle-bell, a dumbbell, or even a heavy book. Just be sure you use enough weight but not TOO MUCH that you can't get the full range of motion. Your arms will get tired, but you shouldn't have so much weight that you can't get a FULLLLLLL extension at the top of the move. Be even on each side and do at least 15 reps/side.... eventually when you've mastered the move you can increase your reps as well as your speed. 

You'll work your entire body in this bang out move... shoulders, lats, glutes (make your squat LOW!), and talk about your core!! This is really a do it all move and since you're working so many muscles at once, your heart rate will also climb and help you burn up some major calories. 

Have fun! :)