
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Walk Fit

This weekend we had the luxury of enjoying a slow morning, sippin' our coffee (or hot tea in Tall boy's case), eating our oatmeal, and watching the news (or reading it on the ipad) before we set out for a long run.

Our local news always has a health and wellness segment that I usually make fun of. It's just done poorly or they have this older gentlemen who's way too buff to be his age (think 70's with padded sweat suit... yes, it's weird). But this time they had on a former football player of the Washington Redskins, Darrell Green. No, I had never heard of him before (I only knew he was with the Redskins b/c of the color of his uniform in the video!). I still know nothing about his professional career... but I am in LOVE with this new program he has launched.

The program is called Walk Fit Health Nation. It's a simple (but awesome) tool to motivate and track your steps each day... but it's even more than that! For about $80 for the year, a price you can't beat, you are given a digital pedometer that uses wireless technology to sync your walking stats (speed, amount, and times) to your computer and on the website. There is an entire network of participates who compete locally and nationally for their stepping goals (everyone is asked to set a minimal goal of 5,000 steps a day, aprox. 2 miles) and "top stepper" awards. Members are able to cheer and encourage other members as well.

I think this tool is a wonderful motivating tool for those trying to be more active with small changes. I know not everyone can just get up and try to start running. But we all walk!! Yes, some of us better than others and some of us, due to weight and/or knee issues, may only want to make walking easier. I also think this program is wonderful for those who don't work, stay at home, or have a job that keeps them "chained" to a desk more than they're aware of.

Who knows, maybe this program is just what some of my readers need. Not a gym, not a trainer, not the latest workout craze... but something that allows them to see, measure and track how much work they're doing, how much weight they've lost without all the fancy gadgets and gizmos.

The easiest way to improve ones health is simple: GET MOVING. The easiest way to get moving: WALK! Research also suggests that if we walk at least two miles a day, we can cut our chance of premature death nearly IN HALF!!

What do you all think? Anyone going to bite? Anyone brave enough to start walking for their health? :)

Remember to find your reason and STAY focused. You won't fail if you put your mind to it, share your goal(s) with your support group, and GET MOVING! Stop wasting time. You've got a life to live! :)

Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. 

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