
Friday, May 27, 2011



Well… it's been awhile… AGAIN. Sorry! Life has taken another turn for straight up CRAZY in the Delp household. Seriously. We're always used to a moderate amount of chaos but now we've upped the anti!

So here's the skinny:

-Ginger got "fixed" and she's becoming quite the lovely young lady! J
- I've been in orientation working hard and loving every minute of it. I've finally adjusted (sort of) to life on the "dark side" and can actually enjoy being a night-owl while I'm at work now.
- Todd's career hunt continued
- In April, Todd got asked to come in for another interview.
- A few weeks later, he got an offer.

HE ACCEPTED!  We're now going to be moving to our Nation's Capital – Washington, D.C.!

So, in the mean time I have been "tossed" out of orientation and put on the telemetry monitors until I leave… Out of good faith and in doing the morally "right" thing of telling my employer about Todd's new and fabulous job well in advance from our departure I had high hopes of not playing the game of politics with Novant. Instead it's worse: It's straight up TORTURE! Take an active, can't sit still employee and paste their ass to a set in front of two computer screens all night long (yes – 12 hours) and only give them about 45 minutes of "off your ass time" as I call it to eat, move around the unit, run stairs, go to the bathroom and WAKE UP again. It's been a major adjustment for me and it's really starting to impact my exercise routine… I'm so tired when I get home FROM SITTING… that my runs are getting shorter, slower, and no where near the level of intensity I really enjoy (and need!).

I've discovered why people with desk jobs complain that they're so gosh dern tired all the time! It's just ridiculous.

Yes, I'm bitter that of all the flexibility I offered and willingness I showed to be "fair" on my part to Novant and the ICU…. I've received little compassion or concern. If it weren't for the awesome nurses I work with each day/night I'm pretty sure the pressure to "resign" and move on with it would have had me sprinting for the door of FMC. I am sad that this is the result of course. I've LOVED Novant (RRMC and FMC) from the get-go…. And I had really hoped for a little more commitment in return. I am not a "money pit" even if you want to get all technical about it. I'm almost out of orientation here. I'm a hard worker. I'm smart. I'm great with our patients and families. I get a long well with my team and our leadership…. And if we ever come back to this area, the ICU is exactly what door I'll be bustin' down again for a job. I love it.

I'm just so sad the game of politics and crap has to be played…. FMC might loose one of Its future superstars forever now.

But – I'm really excited about our move! I really am sooo proud of Todd and excited about our future that these few weeks of "sitting" are worth it. This change is needed in our life, our careers, and for our future as a family. I know it will be so worth it in the long run. So, I'll continue to sit and "save lives" through a PC screen. HA!

For now – we're lucky to have movers and packers coming the first week of June to help us get out of our half-way-house for GOOD! Yes, I'm going to miss my sweet neighbors and Ginger might miss all her doggie friends… but I'll never be sad about leaving "Smallsbury".

We'll officially be city peeps June 20th (right after Todd's cousin, Kera's big wedding!!)!!

More will come as it happens. I'll be sure to give everyone our address as well. Which reminds me – if you think I don't have your address, will you send it to me?! Email is always best:

Hugs & Lots of Kisses Friends! I've missed you – but I promise to get back on the blog more often. We Need each other now!

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