
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's YOUR Resolution?

Any new year brings with it "a fresh start". I was at work yesterday and almost everyone was talking about their resolutions. Facebook has been littered with all my friends talking about their goals for the year. The Today Show hasn't stopped running segments on a variety of resolutions.

So, what's yours?! 

Todd and I have given this question a lot of thought lately. We still haven't really made any, but we've talked about several. For me, like everything else, I struggle to make up my mind or just do ONE thing.  Here's a variety of what I hope to accomplish (not limited to or by all means, ALL of my goals):
  • Start a blog (DOING!)
  • Go to church more 
  • Run a half marathon (13.1 miles)
  • Run a full marathon (26.2 miles)
  • Possibly get a dog (I know, CRAZY!)
  • Eat BETTER (less sugar, no diet soda and more REAL food)
  • Move out of Salisbury
  • Love my Husband even more
  • Pray more
  • Clean my home with more natural products (vinegar and baking soda)
  • Visit my sister and brother-in-law
  • Visit Rebekah and Paul
  • Go on our Honeymoon (Europe!)
  • Run with lots of little girls
 Whew! That's already a lot... but I can do it. So, again, what are you doing this year?! 

I know you can accomplish what ever your resolutions and goals are for 2011 - as long as you work towards them! 

You can't start to lose the weight if you don't CHANGE something. Drink more water. Add more fiber. Walk to your mailbox. Walk with your sweetie after dinner for 15 minutes. Make your prayer time while you walk/run. Meditate. Learn where your food comes from. 

Whatever you do, love yourself enough to - JUST DO IT and don't stop. No excuses! Give it a week and it won't be so hard. Give it 21 days and it's a habit. Longer - It's a LIFESTYLE.

GOOD LUCK! :) Let's get this year moving and groovin'. Here's to a happier and healthier YOU! 


1 comment:

  1. Let me be the first to comment on this particular post. First of all, that is an EXCEPTIONAL New Year's resolution list ;D Second, as the Bible states, "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you ask my mother to expound on that verse she will tell you that "if you can't love yourself, you can't love your neighbor." That seems to fit right in with your healthy worldview, Ms. Red! ;D *SMOOCHES*
