
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Small Changes

For some people, making small changes in the way they go about their day to day activities is hard to do. For others, it's quite simple.

In my opinion, it's a state of mind.

Small changes that add more activity to our day often force a lot of excuses out the mouths of many. Why?! I have never quite understood the whole waiting 10 minutes for the elevator thing when the stairs are literally, right across the hall and you could have saved a lot of time (throughout the day) and worked your heart just a smidgen.

This week on Facebook, a viral video struck my interest and initiated this post. Take a few minutes for a little inspiration...

I encourage each of you [and myself] to stop finding and making excuses for small changes. Find fun in the simple things in life.... not just convenience. Do all those "corny" things you see on posters around the work place...

- Take the stairs
- Park farther away from the store
- Do lunges to the mailbox
- Race your kids to and from the car
- Build a snowman! 
- Walk your dog an extra block each week

.... and my favorite option... take a 15 minute (or more) walk with your sweetheart each evening! :)

Whatever you do.... HAVE FUN! Never torture yourself doing something just because someone else loves it. I'll never ask you to run a marathon if you hate running.... You can't get me in a Zumba class either. Find something you love and have fun! :)

If it's fun; it's not "work" and you're likely to keep up the GOOD WORK! :)

January is almost over.... keep working on your goals. Let's make changes we can stick with and make 2011 the best YET! Remember, you are always worth your investment!


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